

Project objectives

The projects ThermoLab and ThermoLab-ISS have their focus on the measurement and analysis of the thermophysical properties of electrically conducting materials in the molten state over a range of high temperatures. As main activity, the samples investigated in this project are processed in the Electromagnetic Levitator EML on ISS. These samples were proposed by the ThermoProp ESA MAP team for their industrial interest. The ISS- EML represents the state-of-the-art advanced equipment for the purpose with high-resolution peripheral analysis tools in terms of temperature and video capabilities, as well as down-link of the space data.

As such, the main project objective is the measurement of the thermophysical properties of metallic alloys in the liquid phase using the pivotal conditions of space and thus, providing benchmark experiments and data with an accuracy not available on earth.

The core of the project is the DLR funded project ThermoLab.

Thermolab. New Edge of Science.