(01.04.2022) Metallurgy in Space – Recent Results from ISS

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This book presents experimental work conducted on the International Space Station (ISS) in order to characterize metals and alloys in the liquid state. The internationally recognized authors present and discuss experiments performed in microgravity that enabled the study of the relevant volume and surface related properties free of the restrictions of a gravity-based environment. The collection serves also as a handbook of space experiments using electromagnetic levitation techniques. A summary of recent results provides an overview of the wealth of space experiment data, which will ignite further research activities and inspire academics and industrial research departments for their continuous development.
(19.12.2021) ESA Video: Metallurgy. We research. You benefit.
(Wintersemester 2021-2022) u-Topics
Find here the article in u-Topics, the magazine of Ulm University.
(23.02.2021) Advanced Engineering Materials

Our review article about the thermophysical property measurements in microgravity is on the Cover of Advanced Engineering Materials
(20.04.2020) Advanced Engineering Materials
Our article about the measurement of thermophysical properties of Ni-based Superalloys for industrial process simulations is on the Cover of Advanced Engineering Materials
(25.11.2019) nature microgravity – Research Highlights: Physical Sciences
Two of our articles are featured in the Collection “Research Highlights: Physical Sciences” of nature microgravity.
The articles can also be found here:
- Thermophysical properties of liquid Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5—prospects for bulk metallic glass manufacturing in space
(or if you dont want to read the full article, the ‘Behind the Paper’ article can be found here: Measurement of Thermophysical Properties for the Advancement and Development of Production Processes on Earth and in Space )
(22.08.2019) Presentation of results obtained during Mission Horizon
A favourite of mine is the Electromagnetic Levitator (EML) laboratory which uses a solenoidal coil in a furnace to suspend small metal alloy samples and induce vibrations to measure properties such as surface tension and viscosity and specific heat capacity. The presenter is Dr Markus Mohr whose EML Experiment is called ThermoProp/Thermolab. The results of Markus’ experiment are exciting: a metal sphere 6.5 mm in diameter – an alloy comprised of Zirconium, Copper, Nickle, Titanium and Aluminium – is the first metallic glass produced in space.